Still trying to recover from day three. Our day started out with a trip to ILLICHIVS’K (girl’s birth city) to deregister the girls from a flat that was left to them by their mother. We drove the 15 miles in about an hour, single lane road over a floating bridge- only road from Odessa to Illichivs’k, only to find the passport office closed. They are open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9am to noon.
We are told that they know what paperwork needs to be filed out to deregister the girls. After we knock on the door a woman opened the door pointed at the sign and slammed the door. We were at least hoping to speak to someone about what we needed for this paperwork. So we headed to the housing authority in the hopes someone could help us with the paperwork odyssey only to find the office is closed on Fridays.
Some days just don’t go the way you wish and you feel you should have stayed in bed. With dimmed spirits we make the drive back to Odessa to see the girls at the orphanage.
The girls are just waking up from a nap ( 1-3PM) when we arrive. They seem upset and I’m afraid they are mad that we haven’t removed them from the orphanage. After feeling absolutely terrible for 30 minutes I find out that the other children went to the park to play and the girls had to stay with us adults, oh-no not that. The drama was short lived as we worked on the final documents to remove the children.
I had to sign documents stating the girls are being removed and we are completely responsible for their welfare. The documents also had to be signed by the director of the orphanage and the regional inspector ( never heard of this process).
Tomorrow we are going to pick up the girls. They are planning a going away party; we will provide some cake and candy for the final day. I will need to bring a change of clothes so we don’t take anything from the other children. Now I’m excited and can’t wait until tomorrow.
Hang in there! We can't wait for you to take custody of the girls and look forward to seeing lots of pictures. On the bright side, the Olympics start tonight and you don't need english to watch the events! In your case, they started yesterday LOL!
Hugs and kisses!
I hope that you take lots of pictures when you have the girls at the hotel. We would love to see their faces knowing that their journey home has begun, and your new life begins as a dad (big job).
Best of everything,
By this time you should have those beautiful girls safe and sound with you! It was probably really difficult to leave the orphanage - but now they start their new lives!
I have just read the last couple of days to John to catch him up and he just shook his head at all of the red tape, the long lunches, the closings of official offices, etc. It helps to prepare us for the trials and tribulations we will face, so we love hearing about everything.
Were you able to de-register the girls for the apartment?
Let us know when you are all home safe!
Congratulations to all!
Twyla and John
Hey Steven,
Thanks for all the updates this week. We wish you all a good and safe trip home, and look forward to hearing that you are here.
Barry & Helene
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